Anna Wells

 Bsc (Hons) Acupuncture, LicAc, AAC

About Anna Wells

My Approach

My university acupuncture training included both JR Worsley Five Elements and Traditional Chinese Medicine. These are the two most common forms of acupuncture practised in the UK. In addition, I have studied at post graduate level for 18 months with Dr Sean Tuten, who is immersed in the lineage of Master and Scholar Dr Jeffrey Yuen. My study within this lineage is ongoing.

My Background

I have had a keen interest in Eastern philosophy and holistic healthcare since my teens. I learned Reiki and Seichem in my 20s and went on to study The Bowen Technique with Farida Irani in Mumbai. In 2010 I became a certified yoga teacher within the Sivananda lineage and spent considerable time at their ashrams in South India. 

In 2014 I qualified as a Naturopathic Nutrition Advisor after studying at Barbara Wren’s college in Devon, UK.  Through this I was first introduced to the Chinese 5 Element system and thus began my exploration into Chinese Medicine.  I attended a 3.5 year full time BSc Hons Acupuncture degree course in Reading, UK and also obtained a Licentiate in Acupuncture.  My post graduate training within a Classical lineage was a further 1.5 years.

Most of my adult life has been spent in Goa, India.  I feel enormously grateful to have worked as an animal rescue volunteer assisting the stray population of animals in my area and reducing suffering where possible.


Acupuncture expert in Torquay

Classical Chinese Medicine-Advanced Acupuncture

Physicians from the 5th century BCE through to the 11th century CE had used a highly sophisticated form of medicine encompassing more than 60 channels (or “meridians”). During the Song Dynasty of the 11th and 12 century, the Imperial Academy standardised acupuncture and reduced its use from 60 to approximately 20.  We refer to the lost channels as “complement channels” and knowledge of them is fundamental in understanding disease progression and how the body diverts pathology away from internal organs in acute and chronic illness. 

​The knowledge of these channels may have been completely lost if it were not for the oral transmission received by students from Dr Yuen. Dr Yuen is the 88th generation of continuous transmission of Classical Acupuncture that predates changes made to the medicine in the Song Dynasty.

​The term “Advanced Acupuncture” was developed by Ann Cecil Sterman who has studied extensively under Dr Yuen over many years. 

​I am passionate and committed to the continued study and practice of advanced acupuncture which I believe to be a true representation of how acupuncture was intended to be used.